Rob Zahra


From Coach Rob:

I have been an avid practitioner of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) for the past 3 years, during which time I have learned to incorporate BJJ as a tool for my personal development. I was fortunate enough to find Stoney Creek BJJ (SCBJJ) where I have become part of a stellar community where I am continually striving to learn and grow from those around me. Furthermore, I have been honored with the role of acting as an assistant kids instructor alongside our talented professors, instructors, and coaches.

My career in emergency services has taught me the importance of community, resilience, and teamwork. My humble work ethic has become the driving force behind my commitment to our young learners here at SCBJJ. I take pride in my role as an assistant kids instructor and I strive to pay forward the invaluable knowledge I have gained over the years.

As part of the SCBJJ cadre, I am proud to stand alongside a team of individuals whose passion and dedication to teaching BJJ are inspiring. Together, we are committed to fostering a safe, inclusive, and empowering environment for our students.